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    你所在位置: 首頁-新聞動態-常見問題缸蓋91视频破解版的使用範圍



    91视频破解版技術在汽車行業、電子行業、精密儀器、化工等領域的應用十分廣泛, 甚至應用到日常生活中清洗金銀首飾、酒店餐飲具等, 大大提高了工作效率和清洗質量。隨著經濟的發展、科學技術的進步, 超聲波清洗技術將被更普遍地應用在生產和生活的各個領域。
    Ultrasonic cleaning machine technology is widely used in the automotive industry, electronics industry, precision instruments, chemical industry, and other fields, and even applies to cleaning gold and silver jewelry, hotel dining utensils, etc. in daily life, greatly improving work efficiency and cleaning quality. With the development of the economy and the progress of science and technology, ultrasonic cleaning technology will be more widely applied in various fields of production and life.
    國內外的生產實踐表明, 91视频破解版是現代工業中有效和不可缺少的清洗手段, 如汽車工業的漆前處理、電鍍行業的鍍前處理、真空離子鍍的鍍前處理等, 各種構件的清洗, 已越來越離不開91视频破解版。
    Production practices at home and abroad have shown that ultrasonic cleaning machines are effective and indispensable cleaning methods in modern industry, such as paint pre-treatment in the automotive industry, plating pre-treatment in the electroplating industry, and vacuum ion plating pre-treatment. The cleaning of various components is increasingly inseparable from ultrasonic cleaning machines.
    超聲波清洗工藝的應用在公司內部剛剛起步,它將在缸蓋生產線進行試點, 以後將逐步推廣。所示的是缸蓋91视频破解版的結構示意簡圖, 該91视频破解版由定位加緊裝置、加熱裝置、超聲波裝置、過濾裝置等組成, 可以自動和手動控製。工作節拍為5min。
    The application of ultrasonic cleaning technology is just beginning within the company, and it will be piloted on the cylinder head production line, which will be gradually promoted in the future. The schematic diagram of the structure of the cylinder head ultrasonic cleaning machine is shown. The ultrasonic cleaning machine is composed of a positioning clamping device, a heating device, an ultrasonic device, a filtering device, etc. It can be automatically and manually controlled. The working rhythm is 5 minutes.
    缸蓋91视频破解版的基本動作是:工件進入→定位夾緊→工件下降(至超聲波作用方位)→工件上升→工件旋轉瀝水(排屑)→鬆開工件→工件輸出。其中超聲波裝置與過濾裝置將一直工作, 加熱裝置實時控溫在65~75℃。
    The basic action of the cylinder head ultrasonic cleaning machine is: workpiece entry → positioning and clamping → workpiece descent (to the direction of ultrasonic action) → workpiece rise → workpiece rotation and drainage (chip removal) → loosening the workpiece → workpiece output. The ultrasonic device and filtering device will continue to operate, and the heating device will control the temperature in real-time between 65 and 75 ℃.
    缸蓋91视频破解版的超聲波裝置安裝在清洗槽的兩側麵和底麵, 工件在作用位置時三個麵都會受到超聲波形成的空化作用, 因為它的體積受到限製, 所以有部分工作如噴淋、烘幹等要進入下道工序ZQ766定點定位式清洗機。
    The ultrasonic device of the cylinder head ultrasonic cleaning machine is installed on both sides and bottom of the cleaning tank. When the workpiece is in the working position, all three surfaces will be subjected to cavitation caused by ultrasonic waves. Due to its limited volume, some work such as spraying and drying must enter the next process ZQ766 fixed-point positioning cleaning machine.
    缸蓋91视频破解版顯著的特點是缸蓋工件可以隨著定位加緊裝置一起上下運動和旋轉運動, 所以工件可以在不同的角度進行超聲波作用(如圖2右部分所示)。這樣, 可以通過實驗來確定恰當的超聲波作用方式。
    The significant feature of the cylinder head ultrasonic cleaning machine is that the cylinder head workpiece can move up and down and rotate together with the positioning clamping device, so the workpiece can undergo ultrasonic action at different angles (as shown in the right part of Figure 2). In this way, the appropriate mode of ultrasonic action can be determined through experiments.
    通過實驗可知, 缸蓋91视频破解版的清洗效果比較好, 螺孔、內腔等部分的雜物去除率較高, 尤其對加工表麵的作用非常明顯。
    Through experiments, it can be seen that the cleaning effect of the cylinder head ultrasonic cleaning machine is relatively good, with a high removal rate of impurities in screw holes, inner cavities, and other parts, especially on the machined surface.
    本文由91视频破解版進行編寫,想要了解更多的產品及更詳細的精彩內容,請關注91视频下载安装的網站:http://www.bolomie.com 91视频下载安装將為您呈現更多的內容。
    This article is written by an ultrasonic cleaning machine. To learn more about products and more detailed exciting content, please follow our website: http://www.bolomie.com We will present more content for you.
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